Holiday Gift Guide 2016 Draw Like This by Christopher Locke Review

Holiday Gift Guide 2016 Draw Like This by Christopher Locke Review

sam_0378Draw  Like This is an interactive guide to  help teach you how to draw. This amazing book has dozens of activities to  help you become a more confident artist whilst drawing the world around you. As a seasoned award winning artist myself I absolutely LOVE this book. It allows you to take  a break from focusing on techniques that you are already comfortable with working with new art medians and techniques to expand your bank of information and knowledge you already have.

This interactive guide also helps teach you basic proportions of the average human while allowing you the freedom to edit these proportions to show what real life people look like instead of perfectly drawn versions as well. It also has lots of fun and interisting facts about multiple artists and gives you the basic skills to draw like the artists preffered style.

The book also has a section on penmenship and fonts, which as we all know a picture is worth a thousand words but sometimes the pictures need words to accompany them or enchanse the drawing with some more grauphic elements. Overall this book is fantastic for gaining confidence withen the artistic community while allowing you to follow isntructions given by a world Renown artist.




During his early years in the DC area he immersed in art, history, and science. After graduating from graduating from collage, he decided to move to Austin to follow his dream of having an arts career including teaching.


Having a large knowledge set in a wide variaty of artistic medians, including metalworking, fine woodworking, theatrical set construction, and mechanics. He descripes his work as “Figurative Industrial” and loves to blend the boundried between machines and man, new and old, and arts with science. His works rely heavily ong the 8/concept of avoiding waste and social peramitors.i

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